What’s up Arete Nation.

Mrs Arete and I were sitting in our backyard discussing the Throwing Chain Reaction system and how this year’s throws season is going.

Without me knowing, Mrs Arete reached over and starting recording me.

I started talking about how the Throwing Chain Reaction is truly a solid system that sole purpose is to assist throws coaches of all levels to better understand the complexity of technique, how to translate all this science to an athlete, and how to make the sport bigger.  I talk about some other great coaches Tony Ciarelli, Bill Debbie Pendleton, and Nick Garcia who have outstanding throws programs and produce some highly successful throwers! I even rant a little, but it’s all coming from a place of passion and fire for this killer sport!

So check out what she created. It’s solid fire!

Share this video if you have a true passion for track and field and want to expand shot put and discus success across the country!

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