Happy Valentine’s Day!

The preseason grind is in full force at ATN…

ATN-TCR Throws Camp

This past Saturday, we held our 3rd Annual ATN-TCR Throws Camp. We had a great turn out; people came in from Texas, Oklahoma, Virginia ( DC area), SoCal and Washington state… and of course from all around AZ!

As I mentioned, I had private sessions Friday & Sunday and let me tell you, that alone totaled about 19 hours of Throws Coaching…

… add to that, another 3.5 hours yesterday… whew, gotta love the grind!

This week is packed solid until this next Sunday as I finalize the final details for the 27th annual Tony Ciarelli Olympian Throws Clinic this Saturday at Golden West College. Click here for details.


On Saturday, I talked about not throwing the baby out with the bath water…

… So for Valentine’s Day, I have two video treats for you.

The first treat are clips of training with Virginia stud, Benedict Draghi. He’s a good example of when a guy has thrown 65 feet, he’s doing a lot well, so you’ve got to be careful not to make changes that change the good, and I’m always careful to communicate that to the thrower and coach when they come to see me. (see below)

The second video is an excerpt of an analysis for an online coach member of his shot putter; I did the analysis comparing the thrower to himself.

This video is a good example of a lot of good changes being made, but they changed a few of the good things that have now resulted in a plateau in his throw.

Good news is once they put back what he was doing well before, he will take a big jump because you can see a lot ( A LOT) of good progress has been made.

(if you are a ATN-TCR member, the full analysis is inside the tech lab)

So take a peek at those and Happy Valentine’s Day!

I’ll have some new tips for you tomorrow.

– Coach Johnson

Here is the video of Benedict Draghi’s  session with me this past weekend.