Day 3 in SNOWY Utah!

I’m surrounded by snow…. it brings me back to my training days at the UC Boulder and throwing my discus into the snow- a game of throw and go seek (for your info… a discus hits and slides in the snow, lol)

Long arms in the discus is critical for an number of reasons….

… and to teach it effectively, I use old golf club irons! Irons are a great way to teach how to lead the throw with the lower body and create a better feeling of upper body position and length.

When throwing the club, if you are not leading with the lower body, the thrower will yank the club at the finish.

The coach and thrower can see very quickly where the throw is out of sequence!

The other benefit of the clubs is that it really shows the individual issues that each thrower struggles with.

Thrower #1: tends to under rotate in pillar 2 into Pillar 3, and therefore, hits the middle (Pillar 4) a bit forward, but he does push the hip into the throw first. Even though he has a solid block, it is still a bit too forward.

Thrower #2: is too far forward and goes vertical at the finish, instead of out. As you may notice his block arm is active way to early. He should be long and extended and he should be back on his right leg and with a longer counter arm.

Thrower #3: tends to open and activate the block arm too early. She does get the hip ahead and into the throw first, but the position of the right arm is too rotational and is the reason she is on the right heal instead of on the inside of the right toe for a more solid block.

There you have it….. 3 throwers, all lefties, and all have 3 different issues- Welcome to throws coaching!

As a throws coach, it is up to you to find the magic strategies to bust through these technical road blocks.

This is a simple and effective way to change how a thrower feels the good and bad in a throw…. Give it a try!